Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Raising a Pointer

So. Water Rings, the novel I wrote for the 3-Day Novel Contest didn't place. But… (holding pointer finger up in the air), I’m looking forward to polishing it up. I made a few mistakes during the contest, one of which was time management. Next time, I’ll sleep a little less and make sure there are no distractions--*cough* family members present who are not participating, though I love them. On average, a 3-Day Novel entrant writes 100 pages within the 72-hour window. I completed a 64-page novella (and I type fast) but spent some of my precious time poring over the first chapter when I should have been typing until my fingerprints burned off. Lesson learned. Time to edit!

1 comment:

  1. Michelle, I send you an email at your hotmail address.

    Good luck with the editing.
